Monday, January 17, 2011


 My hands still sometimes hurt. They were pricked endlessly in the frantic search for veins to insert the intravenous feeds. At a point the hands became painfully swollen. I was  admitted in the hospital for ten days. For five out of those ten days I was on IV feed.

I had been diagnosed with appendicitis which required immediate surgery. I overheard some interesting conversations as I lay helpless on the operating table. Some of these dialogues would have been hilarious if not that I was the one awaiting surgery.
Surgeon: Nurse, is that working? Is it properly inserted?
Nurse: No, it isn't.
She goes to check and then screams. "Oh my God! What have I done now?"

Surgeon: What's that? (In a shocked tone). He probes deeply and painfully with a gloved finger.
Nurse: It looks hard.
Surgeon: It looks bad!

Surgeon: I thought I asked you not to open that?
Nurse: I didn’t open it.
Surgeon: But I can see that it is now open?
Nurse: it just opened somehow.

Me: Please, where are you going to insert that? (The surgeon is holding a frightful looking syringe and approaching menacingly)
Surgeon: In the open wound by your side.
Me: No way! (I leap off the operating table with pans and hospital equipment flying about)

I had taken just about enough jabs of pain, stabs of pain, flashes and pricks of pain. I had gone through just about the entire gamut of human pain and misery. But the medical personnel  still had their way. And I'm thankfully back on wobbly but getting stronger feet.

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